Millions of Facebook users are nervous about what information to divulge because the question of who can see it or find it is lingering in our minds. I’m sure everyone has witnessed a Facebook friend or two changing their name from “Bob Smith” to “Bob Michael”, thinking a middle name alias will conceal their identity from current or future employers.
With the ever-changing nature of social media, it is no surprise that Facebook is constantly transforming in every aspect of its existence. But a lot of the time users aren’t aware that anything has changed. The same way there are pop-ups about surface changes, there should be an integrated notification to inform users about every change made to security features.
But don’t fret – there may be a solution. Join me in this time of hope as Facebook has recently appointed a new director of privacy. Privacy and data security lawyer, Erin Egan will fulfill this position. Lets hope Egan can whip Facebook into shape and put an end to the surprise account and security changes. I have to admit though, that regardless of the work she produces, the publicity of her hiring makes Facebook appear to be on the right track in the eyes on the public.

Do you think that a new director of privacy will help Facebook better their current methods of change and successfully integrate users, or will this effort turn out to be a flop?
I just came across this link on Twitter. Come on Erin Egan - get to work! http://mashable.com/2011/09/25/facebook-privacy-issues/