Pumpkin pie, mashed potatoes and turkey propped on a table surrounded by friends and family. Yes, it’s that time of year again, Thanksgiving! For some this means a weekend of touring the GTA visiting family, for others it means fitting Oktoberfest festivities into the holiday weekend. For those who take on the task of hosting, it means planning, prepping, and cooking a feast that many look forward to all year. For these brave souls, they should be giving thanks for social media tools that will help them make it through the season in one piece!
1. Evites
An easy and fun way to invite guests to partake in your Thanksgiving event. Evites are simple to use and allow all guests to RSVP so you know how many people you’re cooking for.
2. Turkey Decorating 101
Part of being an excellent host is providing a well themed ambience. With one click of the mouse, it’s easier than ever to sort through a plethora of Thanksgiving themed DIY projects and ideas.
3. Prepare the Feast
It’s not a guesstimating system anymore when it comes to figuring out what to cook and how much to cook. With simple tools such as menu planners and online tips preparing the main event has never been so easy!
Giving you step-by-steps guidelines while cooking your favourite recipes and timing each dish so it turns out perfectly. Chow is a Thanksgiving dinner coach application that you can access straight from your iPhone.
5. The Aftermath
With so many phone applications and websites about weight loss, it will be a piece of cake to drop those extra added pounds after stuffing your face with turkey!
Ten years ago most, if not all, of these aids would not exist. Now anyone at the click of a button has the resources to host a successful holiday event!
Do you think you’re up to the challenge?
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