Tuesday, 25 October 2011

Top four Celebrity PR Blunders of 2011

The land of Hollywood is a tumultuous one. Sometimes you’re up, sometimes you’re down and if you’re lucky you’re somewhere in between. The public scrutiny on celebrities is intense; and unfortunately not everybody can maintain a squeaky-clean image.

Here are four celebrity PR blunders, and what we can learn from them as PR practitioners …


WHY: Because her countless court dates and failure to observe community service punishments have de-railed her once promising career as an upcoming starlet.

PR LESSON: Don’t make the same mistake twice (or more)! Lohan’s continuous appearances in court and blasé attitude towards the California legal system have put her in the gossip columns week after week, and discredited her work as an actress. Showing that you take legal incidences seriously may help you to return to public favour.


WHY: Because his wacky appearances and antics earlier this spring cost him a job, and a reputation.

PR LESSON: Know when to talk, and when to stop. Or at least make sure that you are well prepared for an interview. Tiger-blood, bi-winning and referring to yourself as a drug may have become part of contemporary vocabulary for two weeks; but it cost him the staring role on Two and a Half Men.


WHY: Former head designer of legendary French fashion house, Dior, was over heard making obscene, racist comments at a Parisian restaurant.

PR LESSON: You never know who might be listening, so always be respectful. Galliano’s thoughtless comments cost him a job, celebrity endorsements and disappointed many who had come to respect him in the fashion industry.


WHY: Because their paparazzi photos are so obviously staged that they sensationalized themselves.

PR LESSON: Make yourself newsworthy. Staging a beach photo shoot or interviews about botox leaves the press with very little to write about, making thoughtful commentary or using their media power for something productive may have given them a chance for more long running fame.

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