In yesterday’s social and digital media class with Andrea Tavchar, we had a guest speaker Rob Manne from Edelman Public Relations firm discuss their approach to social media. First, Rob listed the five big changes in social media:
1. Explosion of media channels
2. We live in a multi screen world
3. Every company is a media company
4. Stories are social
5. Content lasts forever
1. Time and attention are finite
2. We love a good story
3. Content is king.
Understanding what has and has not changed is crucial to the direction social media is taking. Rob offered a way to navigate the new social media ecosystem in the form of a cloverleaf.
- Traditional media
Ex. Print and broadcast
- Hybrid media
Ex. Born digital, aggregators, blogs that act like media such as the Huffington Post and the Daily Beast
-Social media
Ex. Facebook, Twitter
-Owned media
Ex. Corporate websites, mobile apps
Effective story telling spans the media cloverleaf. You need to coordinate how you want to customize a story.
Rob offered his tips on best practices for social media:
- Choose the story and the audience. Organizations need to understand their stakeholders-who they are and what they are doing
- Use the media cloverleaf to synchronize how, when and where the story should be told
- Reverberation trumps circulation: don’t always default to traditional media
- Make it findable: use search insights to shape the strategy
- Make is shareable
Keeping these tips in mind will enhance how you use social media in the organization you work for and in your personal life. Finally, Rob shared that more content is moving towards photos. Many people like to see more photos. The importance of social media in public relations cannot be underestimated. Social media allows engagement and formation of communities. It is through communities that we gain influence.
What are your tips for using social and digital media effectively?
You can follow Rob Manne @robmanne and Andrea Tavchar @andreatavchar on Twitter.
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